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Privacy Policy is dedicated to the privacy of our users. It is therefore important to inform you what information is collected every time you visit this page.

Cookies may use cookies to generate unique user statistics or personalize the webpage to your needs.

A cookie is a small file sent to your computer from the web server when you visit the site. When you return to the site this information is accessed preventing you from reenter information you may have submitted (log in information, settings etc.) or prevent your visit from being counted as a unique hit if you have been here before.

Cookies are stored as a text file on your computer and are a string of letters and numbers. A cookie can only be stored if cookies are enabled in your web browser.

Submitted information
Any information you submit when adding a feature to that won't be shown to the users will be stored for internal use only. will not, under any circumstances, sell or share this information with associates or third parties. Your e-mail address will be kept for internal use only unless otherwise is specified.

External links hold no responsibility for the content or privacy on sites linked to from We will however do our best to keep pages that are in direct violation of your privacy, or contains offensive content away from our directories. Please contact us about any sites deem inappropriate.

Description of sites in the link directory and description of events is the words of the person who posted it to the directory.

Some information on may be paid for and is the words and opinion of the advertiser.

Notification of Changes
This privacy statement will be kept up to date at any time, and changes will be posted to this privacy statement.

Conflict Resolution & Ownership is fully owned and operated by Best Aviation and are committed to resolving disputes as soon as possible. If any problems arise they can be directed to or by using the contact link in the top right corner of this page.

Contact Information
Founder:Christoffer Vika, cfi/cfii

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